Rivista di formazione e aggiornamento di pediatri e medici operanti sul territorio e in ospedale. Fondata nel 1982, in collaborazione con l'Associazione Culturale Pediatri

Gli articoli più visti nel mese di Giugno 2024

1) Linee guida - Maggio 2024

La gestione della piastrinopenia immune acuta in età pediatrica

Parodi E, Russo G. a nome del GdL AIEOP
This report summarizes the most relevant issues of the document that the Working Group on Coagulation Disorders of the Italian Association of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology (AIEOP) developed to gather shared expert opinions on the management of newly diagnosed idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), updating previous guidelines and providing recommendations to paediatricians. These recommendations are not intended to be standards or fixed rules but rather a tool to support paediatricians in the management of the diagnostic work-up and treatment of children with newly diagnosed ITP.

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2) Aggiornamento - Maggio 2024

L’otite esterna acuta: dalla diagnosi al trattamento

Lavezzo G, Pietrolati G, Iacono A, Marchetti F.
Acute otitis externa (AOE) is an infection of the external auditory canal with peak incidence between 5 and 9 years of age. Predisposing factors are the summer period, water sports and duct injuries (e.g. cotton buds). The diagnosis is clinical and the responsible agents are mainly bacteria (Pseudomonas Aeruginosa followed by Staphylococcus Aureus). The therapy involves the local use of acidifiers and/or antiseptics for mild forms while for moderate forms topical antibiotics (in monotherapy or in combination with cortisone and/or anaesthetics). The use of systemic antibiotics should be reserved only for severe forms or those not responsive to topical therapy.

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4) Aggiornamento - Giugno 2024

Il bambino che ritorna perché ha sempre la febbre: capire, sapere e saper fare

De Nardi L, Insalaco A, De Benedetti F.
Fever is a very common symptom in children, mostly due to infections. It is a physiological body defence mechanism against damage. However, when it is recurring, it is difficult to understand which are the underlying causes. Recurrent fever is most commonly due to trivial infections of the 1st infancy. However, it can seldom be the expression of inborn errors of immunity, monogenic periodic fevers, neoplasm, or other rheumatologic conditions. What comes with the fever (i.e. specific accompanying signs and symptoms) is essential to distinguish between such different diseases. This paper aims to provide an overview on the causes of recurrent fever in paediatrics, providing a practical guide to assist the paediatrician who needs to disentangle between different diagnoses.

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5) Aggiornamento - Ottobre 2007

La splenomegalia

M. Rabusin, F. Patarino
The spleen in infants and children is involved in a wide variety of pathological conditions. Splenic disorders may be isolated like splenic cysts or, more frequently, due to multiorgan or systemic disease including hepatic diseases, malignancy, hemoglobinopathy, infectious diseases and storage diseases. The Authors review the role of the laboratory test, the ultrasonography and the peripheral blood smear in orienting the differential diagnosis. Invasive procedure as bone marrow aspiration, lymph node biopsy, hepatic biopsy or fine needle splenic biopsy are often warranted to estabilish the cause of splenomegaly.

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6) ABC - Gennaio 1999

La quinta malattia

F. Panizon

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7) Lettere - Maggio 2024

Quando la pertosse riemerge: si discute del noto e non noto

Parisi M, Marchetti F.

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10) Aggiornamento - Gennaio 2024

La cellulite orbitaria in età pediatrica: una proposta di gestione diagnostico-terapeutica

Zama D, Altimari L, Ruscelli M, et al.
The incidence of orbital cellulitis in the paediatric age is around 1.6/100,000 cases per year. Most cases are mild and limited to the preseptal space; however, severe and complicated cases are possible. Paediatricians should be able to recognize high-risk adverse outcome conditions that require prompt intervention. Clinical evaluation supported by laboratory workup is the key for the diagnosis. Intraorbital and intracranial complications may be ruled out through diagnostic imaging. Depending on the extension of the infection, clinicians may choose between conservative treatment with antibiotic therapy or surgical drainage at first. The paper proposes an algorithm to aid clinicians in the management of paediatric orbital cellulitis through the description of three emblematic clinical cases observed in the Paediatric Emergency Room.

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