Rivista di formazione e aggiornamento di pediatri e medici operanti sul territorio e in ospedale. Fondata nel 1982, in collaborazione con l'Associazione Culturale Pediatri.

M&B Pagine Elettroniche

Caso contributivo

Un’appendicite di troppo

Elisa Zanelli, Stefania Crocco

Clinica Pediatrica, , IRCCS Materno-Infantile “Burlo Garofolo”, Università di Trieste

Indirizzo per corrispondenza: elisazanelli@hotmail.it

Stump appendicitis

Key words: Stump appendicitis, Complications, Case report

Stump appendicitis is the re-inflammation of the residual appendiceal tissue after an appendectomy. It is a rare and unknown complication of appendectomy. Clinical features of stump appendicitis do not differ from acute appendicitis, even though the history of a previous appendectomy can be misleading causing a delayed diagnosis. Ultrasonography can be useful in identifying inflammatory changes. The abdominal CT is reported as the gold standard for its diagnosis. Stump appendicitis has a higher risk of complications than appendicitis, with perforation being reported in nearly 70% of the cases. Stump appendicitis should be considered in all patients who have previously undergone appendectomy and have had a convincing history of acute appendicitis. Treatment by re-surgery and complete removal of the appendix will resolve the case.

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

E. Zanelli, S. Crocco. Un’appendicite di troppo. Medico e Bambino pagine elettroniche 2013;16(6) https://www.medicoebambino.com/?id=CCO1306_20.html

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