Ottobre 2010 - Volume XXIX - numero 8

Medico e Bambino

Pagine elettroniche ; Ricerca

Valutazione di fattibilità di progetti di formazione dei pediatri per la prevenzione e la cura dell’obesità

Rita Tanas1, Guido Caggese2, Elisa Rossato3, Elena Desiderio1, Raffaele Limauro4, Renzo Marcolongo5

1UO Pediatria Ospedaliera, Ambulatorio e Day Hospital di Endocrinologia Pediatrica e dell’Adolescenza, AOU Ferrara
2Formazione, Dipartimento Emergenza, AOU Ferrara
3Strutt. Interaz. di Formazione e Progetti Internazionali, AOU Padova
4Centro Studi Federazione Italiana Medici Pediatri, Sezione di Napoli
5Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale, AOU Padova

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Key words: Childhood obesity, Therapy, Primary Care, Therapeutic Patient Education, Family Group Therapy

Objectives - In 2000 the Paediatric Department of Ferrara (Italy) started a Family Group Therapeutic Educational programme to treat childhood obesity. Following its positive results, a practical professional training in therapeutic education, addressed to healthcare personnel involved in the treatment of childhood obesity, was planned in 2008. The training is meant to promote the development of a shared therapeutic educational strategy for obesity, involving specialists, primary care physicians/paediatricians and families. The article presents the preliminary results of this training and discusses its acceptance and feasibility. Methods - The integrated professional training consists of an on-line course followed by a two-day practical training at the Paediatric Department of Ferrara University Hospital or, alternatively, by a two-day classroom group training. The feasibility assessment of the training project takes into account the following criteria: a multidimensional questionnaire (a preand post-test investigating knowledge, motivation, self-efficacy, methodology, communication, modelling etc.), an appreciation questionnaire, and the observed outcomes for the implementation of daily professional practice. Results and conclusions - Preliminary results prove its feasibility as well as a great interest and appreciation by participants. Moreover, the professional training has a low cost and could be even cheaper by making each seminar accessible to more than one participant.

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R. Tanas, G. Caggese, E. Rossato, E. Desiderio, R. Limauro, R. Marcolongo
Valutazione di fattibilità di progetti di formazione dei pediatri per la prevenzione e la cura dell’obesità
Medico e Bambino 2010;29(8):529-530

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