Febbraio 2006 - Volume XXV - numero 2

Medico e Bambino

Pagine elettroniche ; Ricerca

Il rachitismo in Piemonte: una sorveglianza negli Ospedali

A. Guala1, R. Guarino1, P. Ghiotti2, G. Patrucco3, G. Pastore4

1SOC Pediatria, Ospedale SS Pietro e Paolo, Borgosesia, ASL 11
2Direzione Programmazione Sanitaria, Regione Piemonte
3SOC Laboratorio Analisi, Ospedale S. Andrea, Vercelli, ASL 11
4SCDU Pediatria, Dip. di Scienze Mediche, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Novara (l’elenco di tutti i partecipanti allo studio è riportato on line)

Indirizzo per corrispondenza: pediatria.borgosesia@asl11.piemonte.it


Key words: Children, Non-Caucasian, Immigrants, Nutritional rickets, Prophylaxis

In recent years, the number of children with nutritional rickets has increased in industrialized countries. The vast majority of these cases were born from immigrants and/or non-Caucasians. We conducted a retrospective study on all children discharged from the paediatric wards with diagnosis of rickets in 2000-2002 in Piedmont. Ninety-nine children were traced: 95% were either sons of immigrated parents or of non-Caucasians, 97% were breastfed and none received vitamin D supplementation during the first year of life. We suggest that all newborns of immigrant/non-Caucasian couples should receive vitamin D prophylaxis (as stated from the Italian National Health System) and that its compliance during the first year of life should be closely monitored. In addition we recommend that oral vitamin D supplementation is extended to pregnant immigrant women to increase their vitamin D intake and to expand fetus and newborn reserves.

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A. Guala, R. Guarino, P. Ghiotti, G. Patrucco, G. Pastore
Il rachitismo in Piemonte: una sorveglianza negli Ospedali
Medico e Bambino 2006;25(2):119-121 https://www.medicoebambino.com/?id=0602_119.pdf

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