Settembre 2004 - Volume XXIII - numero 8

Medico e Bambino

Pagine elettroniche

Corea di Sydenham

B. Boseggia, E. Milanesi, D. Marini, M. Molesini, S. Ganzarolli

Ospedale Civile Maggiore, Sezione di Pediatria, Università di Verona


Key words: Sydenham’s chorea, Clinical presentation, Therapy

An 11-year-old girl presented with a rapid onset of asymmetric chorea movements. Haloperidol was effective in controlling the chorea, and antibiotics were given for secondary prevention. Sydenham’s chorea is a manifestation of rheumatic fever and occurs after a throat infection by group A streptococci. The disease consists of a combination of choreic movements, hypotonia and emotional unstability. The clinical course can be quite diverse. Improvement usually occurs over a period of several months, although a significant proportion of patients show very slow improvement. Treatment options are discusse

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Corea di Sydenham
Medico e Bambino 2004;23(8):518

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