Gennaio 2003 - Volume XXII - numero 1

Medico e Bambino

Pagine elettroniche

I segni minori di dermatite atopica

D. Cimino, R. Genovese, S. Gangarossa, G. Agosta, A. Alia, G. Arcidiacono, F. Cultraro, E. Domicoli, M. La Boria, S. Panasia, G. Pisani, R. Ragusa, E. Spata, F. Arcangeli*

Pediatri di base, ACP Ragusa;
* UO Dermatologia, Cesena


Key words: Atopic dermatitis, Atopy, Cutaneous signs

The presence of minor signs of atopic dermatitis (such as dry skin, subauricular fissures, cheilitis) have been looked for by 14 pediatricians of the Ragusa Province in 596 children with family history of atopy and/or clinical signs of atopy (eczema, asthma and allergic rhinoconjunctivitis) and in 772 children without these characteristics. Minor symptoms of atopic dermatitis were found in 59.7% of children belonging to the first group, and in 13.9% of children belonging to the second group. The difference is significant (p=0.001).

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I segni minori di dermatite atopica
Medico e Bambino 2003;22(1):57-58

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