Novembre 2000 - Volume XIX - numero 9

Medico e Bambino

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Prevenire il diabete con dieta senza glutine anche nei non celiaci? risultati preliminari

A. Tommasini, E. Neri, E. Zamuner, G. Torre, T. Not, A. Ventura

Clinica Pediatrica, Università di Trieste e IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste

Anti-pancreas antibodies (ICA, GAD, IAA) identifie high-risk relatives of diabetics subject. On the other hand, foods and infections have been considered environmental factors relevant to the risk of IDD. Moreover, in coeliac patients anti-islet positive, gluten-free diet reverse that condition. We investigated the hystology of gut mucosa in 8 anti-islet positive, EMA negative, anti-tTG negative, IDDM relatives and the effect of a gluten free diet on the intestinal hystology and on the anti-islet antibodies. In 5 patients mucosal lesions of coeliac type (Marsh 3 to 3c degree) have been found. In 3 of 5 who mantained a gluten-free diet for a year, mucosal lesions and anti-islet antibodies cleared. That suggest a non-specific adjuvant effect of gliadine on the intestinal lesions and on the anti-insula autoimmunity, also non-coeliac patients.

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A. Tommasini, E. Neri, E. Zamuner, G. Torre, T. Not, A. Ventura
Prevenire il diabete con dieta senza glutine anche nei non celiaci? risultati preliminari
Medico e Bambino 2000;19(9):599-600

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