Maggio 2000 - Volume XIX - numero 5

Medico e Bambino

Pagina verde

Valutazione preliminare di un programma integrato
dietetico-psicologico finalizzato al
controllo dell’obesità in età pediatrica

Panico D., Zola MA, *Invernizzi Descalzi V.

Ospedale di Sanremo, Divisione di Pediatria, ASL1 Liguria *Psicologo presso l’Unità Operativa Consultoriale, ASL1 Liguria

Experience carried out by a paediatric-psychological workgroup and aimed at gradually containing the weight of children with BMI>85° centile, so as to keep their weight under control during the age of development, instead of provoking an absolute loss of weight. The program was based on “soft” corrective actions to improve poor nutritional habits, as well as on physical activity and stronger motivation, rather than on radical dietary restrictions. 35 children aged between 4-22 years were recruited for this experience. 18 abandoned the treatment for various causes during the first weeks, whereas 17 followed the treatment and obtained a decrease in BMI (sometimes a significant one). On the basis of this experience, this article suggests a protocol based on BMI, as well as on the presence/absence of additional risk factors. It contains information on both psychological aspects (selfesteem, intra-family dynamics) and dietary aspects (detailed and customised suggestions based on actual needs).

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

D. Panico, M. Zola, V. Invernizzi Descalzi
Valutazione preliminare di un programma integrato
dietetico-psicologico finalizzato al
controllo dell’obesità in età pediatrica
Medico e Bambino 2000;19(5):325-328

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