Settembre 1999 - Volume XVIII - numero 7
1Psichiatra, Psicoterapeuta, Formatore, Presidente A.D.R. - Analisi delle Dinamiche di Relazione
2Psicologa, Psicoterapeuta, Formatrice, Membro A.D.R.
Key words: Patient satisfaction, Quality of care, Paediatric group practice, Focus group
The Authors briefly discuss the issue of quality of care evaluation and more specifically the possible approaches to the evaluation of quality as perceived by patients. The results of a pilot study based on a focus group approach involving 10 mothers who experienced the evolution from single to group paediatric practice are presented. The findings show that changes were perceived as favourable (greater availability, better organization, improved competence, new services offered) provided that patient-doctor relationship is maintained, and that the overall image of group pratice is a positive one. Qualitative approaches appear promising for the relevance of feedback information they provide to doctors.
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