Gennaio 1997 - Volume XVI - numero 1

Medico e Bambino


Ortodonzia e patologia respiratoria ostruttiva

E. Bernkopf1, V. Broia2, A. Bertarini3

1Specialista in odontoiatria e protesi, Vicenza; 2Specialista in odontostomatologia, Parma; 3Fonoaudiologa, Vicenza


Key words: Orthodontics, Upper airways obstructive disorders, Adenoids, Tonsils, Malocclusion

The Authors stress the importance of malocclusion in the pathogenesis of upper airways obstructive disorders. Several children after appropriate othodontic treatment show a reduction in respiratory disorders due to hypertrophic adenoids and/or tonsils. The hypothesized pathophysiological mechanism is that malocclusion favours oral breathing and as a consequence Waldeyer’s ring hypertophy. The latter, on the other hand, can negatively affect the development of cranial bones and muscles, thus favouring malocclusion syndromes. This vicious cycle can be prevented by a multidisciplinary approach to assessment and treatment of respiratory obstructive syndromes. Paediatricians, when dealing with obstructive sleep apnoea, oral breathing and recurrent otitis should consider the usefulness of the stomatologist’s advice to evaluate the possible roll of malocclusion and the need for orthodontics.

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E. Bernkopf, V. Broia, A. Bertarini
Ortodonzia e patologia respiratoria ostruttiva
Medico e Bambino 1997;16(1):23-27

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