Maggio 2022 - Volume XLI - numero 5
Casi indimenticabili
2Pediatra di famiglia, ASP 6, Palermo
Key words: Autistic spectrum disorder, Genetic tests
The case of an infant diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) associated to a maternal segregated micro duplication (Xp21.2 region involving IL1RAPL1 and NR0B1 genes) is described. The role of the genetic test in approaching. and the therapy of ASD is discussed.
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Casi indimenticabili
Scuola di Specializzazione in Pediatria, IRCCS Materno-Infantile “Burlo-Garofolo”, Università di Trieste
Key words: Autistic spectrum disorder
Two Senegalese children (brother and sister) affected by ASD are described. The Author stress the incresed risk to be affected by ASD in children of immigrant mothers.
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