Dicembre 2021 - Volume XL - numero 10

Medico e Bambino

Pagine elettroniche

Affinché non MIS-Cappi il caso: l’esperienza di Palermo sulla sindrome infiammatoria multisistemica SARS-CoV-2-correlata

Salvatore Giordano1, Ilaria Pirrone2, Giulia Angela Restivo2, Filippo Collura2, Giovanni Francesco Saia2, Maria Cristina Maggio3, Francesca Finazzo4, Maria Concetta Failla1, Claudia Colomba3, Lucia Siracusa1

1UO di Malattie Infettive Pediatriche, PO “G. Di Cristina”, ARNAS Civico, Palermo
2Scuola di specializzazione in Pediatria, Università di Palermo
3Dipartimento di Promozione della Salute, Materno-Infantile, di Medicina Interna e Specialistica di Eccellenza “G. D’Alessandro”, Policlinico Universitario “Paolo Giaccone”, Università di Palermo
4UO di Radiodiagnostica Pediatrica, PO “G. Di Cristina”, ARNAS Civico, Palermo

Indirizzo per corrispondenza: luciasira@gmail.com

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection in 9 children: a first report from Palermo (Italy)

Key words: SARS-CoV-2, Covid-19, Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)

Background - Covid-19 is less frequent and milder in children than in adults. However, cases of multisystem inflammatory syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 (MIS-C) have been reported in children, whose phenotype resembles atypical Kawasaki disease.
Objectives - The paper describes the incidence as well as clinical, laboratory and radiological findings of MIS-C.
Materials and methods - In the Paediatric Infectious Disease Centre of Palermo (Italy), a targeted surveillance for MIS-C from March 2020 to January 2021 was conducted. Case definition included WHO, UK and US criteria.
Results - The paper reports the cases of 9 patients with MIS-C out of which 8 (88%) were hospitalized after September 2020. 44% were male and their median age was 6.5 years. Organ-system involvement included gastrointestinal (66%), cardiovascular (66%), mucocutaneous (88%), reticuloendothelial (77%) and respiratory (55%) systems. C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin, D-dimer and pro-B-type natriuretic peptide levels (pro-BNP) were high in all patients. Chest radiography showed bilateral ground glass-opacities (55%) and pleural effusions (44%). Abdominal imaging findings included small-volume ascites (55%) and mesenteric lymphadenopathy (22%). Echocardiogram showed transient valves regurgitation (55%). In all the patients, the left ventricular ejection fraction was normal and coronary-artery aneurysms were not documented. They were treated with immunomodulating therapies. All patients neither received intensive care nor died.
Conclusions - MIS-C represents a new systemic inflammatory syndrome with a phenotype resembling Kawasaki disease. MIS-C remains a rare condition, in which gastrointestinal and mucocutaneous involvement is predominant, nevertheless cardiovascular involvement must be investigated. MIS-C could be suspected even if SARS-CoV-2 exposure precedes the onset of the symptoms by more than 6 weeks. In most cases, a good prognosis might be expected.

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Giordano S, Pirrone I, Restivo GA, Collura F, Saia GF, Maggio MC, Finazzo F, Failla MC, Colomba C, Siracusa L.
Affinché non MIS-Cappi il caso: l’esperienza di Palermo sulla sindrome infiammatoria multisistemica SARS-CoV-2-correlata
Medico e Bambino 2021;40(10):660-663 DOI: https://doi.org/10.53126/MEBXXIV289

Pagine elettroniche

Eritema nodoso: gatta ci cova

Caterina Bacci1,2, Sara Picariello2, Francesco Vierucci1, Andrea Bassi3, Carlo Mazzatenta3, Angelina Vaccaro1

1UOC di Pediatria, Lucca, Area Vasta Toscana Nord Ovest
2UO di Pediatria, Pisa, AOU Pisana
3SSD di Dermatologia, Lucca, Area Vasta Toscana Nord Ovest

Indirizzo per corrispondenza: caterinabacci89@gmail.com

Erythema nodosum

Key words: Erythema nodosum, Cat scratch disease, Bartonella henselae

Erythema nodosum is a panniculitis that can be triggered by many different stimuli. The paper describes the case of a child who presented with erythema nodosum as the unique clinical manifesta-tion of cat scratch disease. Bartonella henselae infection usually presents with non-tender papule in the scratch line followed by subsequent onset of regional lymphadenopathy eventually associated with systemic symptoms. It can also present with atypical manifestation, such as erythema nodosum. The heterogeneity of the clinical presentations makes the disease to be underdiagnosed, whereby it is important to recognize atypical manifestations. Therefore, it is recommended to include Bartonella henselae serology in the diagnostic evaluation of erythema nodosum.

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