Maggio 2020 - Volume XXXIX - numero 5
Articolo speciale
1Centro per la Salute del Bambino onlus, Trieste
2UOC di Pediatria e Neonatologia, Ospedale di Ravenna, AUSL della Romagna
Indirizzo per corrispondenza:
Key words: Covid-19, Children, School, Infection risk
In the context of measures to control the Covid-19 pandemia, risk factors related to reopening of the education system have been overemphasized whereas the risks for health education and social protection of children deriving from persistent closure have been underestimated. A more balanced and comprehensive view is proposed, including the significant risk of spread of infection caused by the uncontrolled socialization of children while parents go back to work. Indications are provided on how to minimize infection risk through accurate screening and monitoring for educators, teachers and caregivers, sanification of the school environment and individual protection measures.
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