Giugno 2018 - Volume XXXVII - numero 6
1Pediatra di famiglia, Chivasso (Torino); 2Servizio sovra-zonale di Epidemiologia, ASL Torino 3, Regione Piemonte; 3Centro SIDS Regione Piemonte, AO Ospedale Infantile “Regina Margherita” - “S. Anna”, Torino; 4SC di Pediatria, Ospedale “Castelli”, Verbania; 5Dipartimento di Scienze della Sanità Pubblica e Pediatriche, Università di Torino
Indirizzo per corrispondenza:
Key words: Adenotonsillectomy, Organizational/clinical change, Guidelines implementation Epidemiology of adenotonsillary surgery
Background - Adenotonsillectomy is among the most frequent surgical intervention in paediatric
age. Although the availability of several recommendations on the clinical and organizational
approach to be followed, there is evidence of an important variability, both
at the national, and at the regional level as well within local districts. The Piedmont Regional
Health Authority has addressed the issue of the quality of adenotonsillary surgery
in paediatrics by involving several professionals with the aim of improving safety and
overall quality of the clinical and organizational adenotonsillary pathway.
Purpose - Aim of this work is to describe the results that have characterised the last thirteen
years on the activities undertaken by health professionals and the health local government
division in the Piedmont Region on the adenotonsillary surgery.
Materials and methods - The whole process is reported by describing the epidemiological
situation and the variability of adenotonsillary surgery from 1998 to 2015 and by describing
the clinical-organizational choices that have contributed to the observed change.
Results and conclusions - Despite of a continuous decrease in the number of interventions,
that has reduced from about 126 to 50 surgeries per 10,000 children between 1998
and 2015, an important variability among local health districts is still present. Part of this
reduction seems to be due to the prominent role of the Regional Health Authority, which
has established a multidisciplinary professional group, facilitated the dissemination and
adaptation of the national guidelines to the Piedmont area reality and has promoted several
trainings. But above all, such reduction seems to be attributable to the innovative multi-
disciplinary approach used, which has allowed the involved professionals to be the real
leaders of the observed change.
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