Settembre 2017 - Volume XXXVI - numero 7

Medico e Bambino

Percorsi clinici

Coxalgia benigna o artrite settica?

Federico Marchetti1, Giulia Papucci2, Chiara Udina3, Lorenzo Mambelli1

1UOC di Pediatria e Neonatologia, Ospedale di Ravenna, AUSL della Romagna
2Scuola di Specializzazione in Pediatria, Università di Ferrara
3Scuola di Specializzazione in Pediatria, Università di Trieste

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:

Benign coxalgia or septic arthritis?

Key words: Limp, Painful hip, Septic arthritis, Transient synovitis, Diagnosis

Children with a painful hip present a diagnostic challenge since clinical differentiation between septic arthritis and transient synovitis may be difficult. Septic arthritis, a potentially life-threatening and debilitating medical emergency, requires early recognition for successful treatment, while transient synovitis may be managed conservatively. The “Kocher criteria” have proven to be helpful in making the distinction between these two conditions. The paper reports the cases of two girls aged 19 and 24 months with a final diagnosis of septic hip arthritis and discusses the difficult diagnostic process that led to the diagnosis

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

F. Marchetti, G. Papucci, C. Udina, L. Mambelli
Coxalgia benigna o artrite settica?
Medico e Bambino 2017;36(7):435-439

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