Aprile 2017 - Volume XXXVI - numero 4
Pagine elettroniche
1IRCCS Materno-Infantile “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste
2Università di Trieste
Indirizzo per corrispondenza: marco.bobbo@burlo.trieste.it
Key words: Cardiac arrhythmia, Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, Retrospective study
Palpitations are a common cause of complaint in the paediatric population and can be a reason of serious concern for children, adolescents and parents. Despite this, palpitations are known to have a benign prognosis, but still are cause of referral to the Emergency Unit (EU). The aim of the present retrospective study was to make a review of prevalence and long-term prognosis of emergency accesses for palpitations between 2009-2015. The study was conducted in the EU of the Paediatric Hospital “Burlo Garofolo”, Italy. Despite a low prevalence of access to the EU, namely 0.1%, 96 patients in a time span of 7 years, 16.7% of patients (n=16) had an underlying arrhythmic cause for the symptom. The presence of a heart rate above 150 beats per minute was highly suggestive of cardiac arrhythmia, more often of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. As far as the long-term follow-up is concerned, 10.4% of patients (n=10) received medical therapy and 6.2% (n=6) underwent transcatheter ablation for supraventricular arrhythmia. In conclusion, palpitations turned out to be an infrequent cause of access to the EU. Nonetheless, 1 out of 6 patients requires long term medical therapy or percutaneous intervention.
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Pagine elettroniche
1UOC di Pediatria e Neonatologia, 2UOC di Gastroenterologia, Presidi Ospedalieri di Ravenna, Faenza e Lugo, AUSL della Romagna
Indirizzo per corrispondenza: mmainetti111@gmail.com
Key words: Faecal calprotectin, Juvenile polyps, Case report, Inflammatory bowel diseases
n clinical paediatric practice faecal calprotectin, a protein derived from white blood cells, is a reliable, non-invasive and easy-to-perform marker, with a high positive predictive power to identify intestinal inflammation. It is very useful for the follow-up of IBD and its main indications are the differential diagnosis between functional bowel disorders and inflammatory diseases. Intestinal bleeding lesions (determining chronic occult bleeding and/or intermittent bleeding) may be due to a high calprotectin level in asymptomatic patients, and among them the intestinal polyps are the most frequent cause. The article reports the case of an 8-year-old male with occasional increase in faecal calprotectin and the feedback to the colonoscopy of a pedunculated single polyp.
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