Aprile 2015 - Volume XXXIV - numero 4
Problemi correnti
1Pediatra di libera scelta, Bondeno (Ferrara); 2Pediatra di libera scelta, Cento (Ferrara)
Indirizzo per corrispondenza: marialuisaferrari@yahoo.it
Key words: Vegetarian weaning, Complementary feeding, Weaning
Vegetarian weaning is widespread and increasingly in demand because vegetarian families are increasing. Literature informs that, to be appropriate and healthy, vegetarian weaning must be “well-planned”. A well-balanced lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet, including dairy products, can satisfy all nutritional needs of the growing child. In contrast, a vegan diet, excluding all animal food sources, has at least to be supplemented with vitamin B12, with special attention to adequate intakes of calcium and zinc and energydense food containing enough high-quality protein for young children. The paediatrician plays a very important and professional role in welcoming, following and advising families who wish to adopt this type of diet.
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