Febbraio 2013 - Volume XXXII - numero 2

Medico e Bambino


Prescrizione della vitamina D alla dimissione del neonato sano

Graziella Nassimbeni

UO di Pediatria, Ospedale Civile di Tolmezzo (Udine)

Indirizzo per corrispondenza: granassimbeni@alice.it

Vitamin D prescription at newborn discharge: clinical practice in the nurseries of the three regions in North-East italy (Triveneto)

Key words: Vitamin D supplementation, Newborn, North-East Italy

Background - In 2008 the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) recommended the administration of 400 UI/die of vitamin D to all newborns.
Aims - The aim of this study was to verify the adherence to current guidelines in birth centres of the three regions in North-East Italy (Triveneto).
Materials and methods - In the months of February and March 2012 a questionnairewas sent to all 64 nurseries to verify whether the intake of vitamin D was recommended for all healthy newborns as a matter of department, and in what way, shape and dose was prescribed.
Results - It resulted that 93.8% of birth centres prescribed vitamin D at discharge of healthy newborns and 89.8% prescribed it indiscriminately. All prescribed vitamin D in writing, at a dose of 400 UI/die in 93.1% and 27.6% in pure form.
Conclusions - Adherence to guidelines regarding the recommendation to give supplemental vitamin D to newborns was optimal in the regions of Triveneto.

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G. Nassimbeni
Prescrizione della vitamina D alla dimissione del neonato sano
Medico e Bambino 2013;32(2):100-104 https://www.medicoebambino.com/?id=1302_100.pdf

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