Settembre 2012 - Volume XXXI - numero 7
1Pediatra, Referente Nazionale Rete Dermatologia FIMP; 2Dermatologo, UO di Dermatologia, Ospedale M. Bufalini, Cesena; 3Dermatologo, Rimini; 4Pediatra, Referente Regionale Rete Dermatologia FIMP; 5Pediatra; 6Presidente FIMP
Indirizzo per corrispondenza:
Key words: Acne, Adolescent, Family paediatrician, Epidemiological study
The adolescent acne is a dermatological disease that is often expressed through mild or moderate symptoms. In these cases the Family Paediatrician (FP) can easily manage the disease. There are few studies about the incidence of acne among Italian teenagers. For this reason the study has been conducted using a questionnaire distributed to 438 FP. The aim of the present study is to test the knowledge of the disease and the assistance status within the paediatric environment and also to be a reference for future epidemiological studies and basics for further FP training and care protocols.
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