Marzo 2012 - Volume XXXI - numero 3

Medico e Bambino

Pagine elettroniche

La lettura ai bambini in età precoce: analisi del fenomeno ed efficacia del programma “Nati per leggere” nella Regione Puglia

Ettore Attolini1, Maria Ruccia1, Gabriella Campa2, Lucia Elia3

1Area di Programmazione e Assistenza Ospedaliera-A.Re S., Regione Puglia
2Pediatra di famiglia, ASL Bari,3Dottore di Ricerca in Psicologia

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:

Reading to children in an early stage: analysis and effectiveness of the “Born to read” programme in the Apulia Region

Key words: Reading aloud, “Born to Read”, Family literacy, Family paediatricians

Introduction - Reading to children in an early stage has important implications for child’s cognitive, emotional and social development. There are few studies that investigate the effectiveness of reading aloud to young children.
Objectives - To analyze the parental attitude to reading aloud to young children in the Apulia region and evaluate the effectiveness of “Born to Read” (“Nati per Leggere”, NPL) programme, promoted by the Regional Department of Health.
Materials and methods - 144 paediatricians, trained through specific meetings, gave a questionnaire inspired by the BABAR (Before and After Books and Reading) to parents. The programme included the gift of books suitable for ages between 0-36 months and advice on the importance of reading to children since the first months of life. Two years later the same questionnaire was given to the same parents.
Results - The pre-intervention data collected in the 6 provinces of the Region showed that the attitude to reading aloud to young children was present in only 17% of households in the Apulia Region. The post intervention assessment, carried out two years later, showed that the attitude to reading aloud increased. The results connected to the maternal and paternal education are also interesting. Even the mother’s age at first pregnancy over 18 is associated with a statistically significant attitude to reading aloud.
Conclusion - The “Born to Read” programme seems to have a positive impact on the parents’ attitude to reading aloud to their young children.

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

E. Attolini, M. Ruccia, G. Campa, L. Elia
La lettura ai bambini in età precoce: analisi del fenomeno ed efficacia del programma “Nati per leggere” nella Regione Puglia
Medico e Bambino 2012;31(3):195-196

Pagine elettroniche

Guida pratica per il bambino con sindrome di Prader-Willi

Gianluca Tornese, Serena Pastore, Giorgio Tonini

SS di Endocrinologia, Auxologia e Diabetologia, Clinica Pediatrica, IRCCS Pediatrico “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:

Practical guidelines for children with Prader-Willi syndrome

Key words: Prader-Willi syndrome, Hypotonia, Feeding problems, Hypogonadism, Developmental delay, Obesity, Hyperphagia

Although Prader-Willi syndrome is a rare disease, it provides an excellent example of how early diagnosis and meticulous management can significantly improve long-term prognosis of some genetic diseases. These guidelines, particularly addressed to family paediatricians, provide a brief and practical summary on how to diagnose and to manage the different physical and behavioural problems of patients with Prader-Willi syndrome.

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

G. Tornese, S. Pastore, G. Tonini
Guida pratica per il bambino con sindrome di Prader-Willi
Medico e Bambino 2012;31(3):195-196

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