Novembre 2011 - Volume XXX - numero 9

Medico e Bambino

Problemi speciali

Neuroni specchio e relazioni umane

Maria Merlo

Pediatra di famiglia, Torino

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:


Key words: Mirror neurons, Internal simulation, Review

When individuals look at somebody who is performing an action, some neurons of the premotor area of their brain (defined mirror neurons) activate as if they themselves were performing it. The mechanism of internal simulation enables to understand other people’s aims and intentions and to imitate them (and thus to learn). Empathy is also based on a similar mechanism of the internal simulation of emotions. Mirror neurons are probably present at birth and provide an explanation of the early relational skills of the newborn (imitation, emotional sharing) and of the natural parents’ ability to understand their children. Depending on the individual, mirror neurons can be highly or little active and to some extent they can be voluntarily inhibited or activated. Pathologies like depression and autism seem to be connected with malfunctioning mirror neurons and seem to respond positively to the therapeutic interventions aimed at increasing their activity.

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

M. Merlo
Neuroni specchio e relazioni umane
Medico e Bambino 2011;30(9):584-589

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