Settembre 2009 - Volume XXVIII - numero 7
Problemi speciali
Clinica Pediatrica e Terapia Intensiva Neonatale, Università di Palermo
Indirizzo per corrispondenza:
Key words: Macrosomic newborn, Maternal diabetes, Malformation, Syndrome
Neonatal macrosomia is a risk factor for morbidity in the mother and the newborn. The main cause is maternal diabetes that, if present in the stages of embryonic development, may be associated with malformations. Neonatal macrosomia may occur also in several syndromes. The early prenatal identification, a precise etiopathogenetic definition and an appropriate perinatal care can reduce the morbidity of the macrosomic newborn. Key elements of care, with the aim of identifying developmental delays and preventing the metabolic syndrome and overweight, are developmental surveillance and nutritional counselling.
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