Aprile 2009 - Volume XXVIII - numero 4
Pagine elettroniche
Clinica Pediatrica, IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste
Indirizzo per corrispondenza: rizzello.elisa@libero.it
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Pagine elettroniche ; Ricerca
Servizio Salute Donna e Infanzia e Assistenza Neonatale, Distretto di Montecchio Emilia, AUSL di Reggio Emilia
Indirizzo per corrispondenza: alessandro.volta@ausl.re.it
Key words: Newborn, Breastfeeding, Neonatal weight loss, Dehydration, Supplementation, Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
Aim - Among the “Ten steps to successful breastfeeding”
the sixth one suggests “Give newborn infants no food or
drink other than breast milk, unless medically indicated”. This
paper aims at answering the following questions: how long
and in which way is it possible to adopt exclusive breastfeeding?
Materials and methods - A group of 300 full-term, healthy
and normal weight newborn infants were monitored with regard
to weight loss by assessing their weight during the hospital
stay and two days after dismissal.
Result - The average weight loss was 6.3% from birth weight;
a weight loss higher than 10% was found in 4.3% of the
observed newborn infants; the greatest weight loss was
12.8%. Two days after dismissal 92.3% of the observed infants
had increased their weight of an average of 3.2%;
13.3% had regained their birth weight. None of the observed
newborn infants was in need of hospitalization because of
dehydration, neonatal jaundice or hypoglycaemia.
Conclusions - In order to prevent excessive weight loss in
newborn infants an early start of breastfeeding, frequent nursing
(8-12 per day) along with controlled hospital dismissal
and early check up (48 hours after dismissal) are needed. In
this way it is possible to rapidly assess and identify newborns
with problems of low milk supply and take action when the
hydration level is still uncritical. Supporting the starting of
breastfeeding does not require relevant technical and financial
resources but rather organisational efforts, and a great
deal of patience and commitment.
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