Gennaio 2009 - Volume XXVIII - numero 1

Medico e Bambino

Problemi speciali

Il “nido” migliora il movimento del neonato pretermine

Fabrizio Ferrari, Natascia Bertoncelli, Maria Federica Roversi, Licia Lugli,

Marisa Pugliese, Alberto Berardi, Claudio Gallo
Cattedra e Struttura Complessa di Neonatologia - Dipartimento Integrato Materno-Infantile
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia - Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena

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Key words: Preterm infant, Nest, Spontaneous movements, Posture

Fragile and unstable preterm infants are exposed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) to a non-optimal physiological environment and to invasive procedures and handling, which may induce pain and stress. One of the major aims of Individualized Developmental Care is to promote age-adequate postures, thereby reducing the distressing conditions of extrauterine life of preterm infants which may have negative effects on the immature brain. The “nest”, adopted by most Italian NICUs, aims at stabilising body posture and promoting movements towards the body, thus facilitating rest periods and sleep.

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F. Ferrari e collaboratori
Il “nido” migliora il movimento del neonato pretermine
Medico e Bambino 2009;28(1):27-33

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