Dicembre 2008 - Volume XXVII - numero 10
Pagine elettroniche ; Ricerca
Fisioterapista, Struttura Complessa di Medicina Riabilitativa, Ospedale Maggiore, Trieste
Indirizzo per corrispondenza: redazione@medicoebambino.com
Key words: Severe malnutrition, Rehabilitation, Africa, Psychomotor retard
Severe malnutrition is a condition that shows high mortality. It is usually treated in hospital by following a nutritional rehabilitation protocol that should also include a period of psychomotor stimulation, which, out of necessity, is frequently ignored. An objective evaluation of a group of 30 hospitalized children showed an average psychomotor retard of about 3 months. Half of these children underwent a targeted rehabilitation programme realized through the mother. Upon discharge, the retard seemed partially recovered, but there were not significant differences between the active and the control group. However, after a month from discharge, the results in the active group are remarkably better than in the control group: only 13% of the children of the first group show an equal or higher than 2 month retard versus 27% of the control group; 53% of the “treated” versus 27% of the “controlled” children shows a score that mirrors a motor development proper to their age.
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Pagine elettroniche ; Ricerca
1UOC di Pediatria, AORN A. Cardarelli, Napoli
2UOC di Pediatria, Ospedale S. Paolo, Napoli;
3UOC di Pediatria, Ospedale S. Maria delle Grazie, Pozzuoli (Napoli)
4PdF ASL Na1
5PdF ASL Na2
Indirizzo per corrispondenza: paolo.siani@ospedalecardarelli.it
Key words: Community acquired-bronchopneumonias, Guidelines, Family paediatrician, Hospital paediatrician
The present treatment of community acquiredbronchopneumonias is rarely consistent to the international guidelines. The hospital records of 58 children and the clinical sheets of 52 cases treated at home during a period of 6 months have been reviewed. The guidelines of Cincinnati Children Hospital Medical Center and of the British Thoracic Society have been presented to and discussed among the family and hospital paediatricians involved and the deviations of the behaviour with respect to the relative indications have been evaluated (excessive utilization of control radiography, excessive and improper first choice of a macrolide and of cefalosphorines rather than of amoxicilline, excessive use of intramuscular administration). Finally, 135 medical records of hospitalized children and 65 of children treated at home have been evaluated in the following 6 months: very significant improvements have been recorded upon the management of these patients.
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