Settembre 2008 - Volume XXVII - numero 7
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1SOC di Ostetricia-Ginecologia; 2SOC di Pediatria; 3Dipartimento Igiene e Sanità Pubblica; 4SOC di Pediatria, ASL Vercelli-Borgosesia
5SOC di Ostetricia-Ginecologia, ASL VCO Verbania
Indirizzo per corrispondenza:
Key words: Congenital rubella, Prevention,Postpartum, Vaccination
The primary aim of rubella vaccination is the prevention of prenatal rubeolic infection. The 2003 National Plan to eliminate measles and congenital rubella aims at reducing the incidence of congenital rubella to rates lower than 1 case/ 100,000 children born alive and the strategies to obtain this result need, besides the keeping of high vaccination rates during childhood, also the vaccination of women who are serum- negative immediately after the birth of their children. In Italy the risk of congenital rubella is still existing and present; the latest rubella epidemy occurred in 2002 with thousands of cases and about 10% of women in the reproductive age resulted rubeonegative and thus potentially at risk. In Piemonte region about 8% of women in reproductive age are rubeonegative and in our experience the rubella vaccination in the postpartum may reach the 100% of compliance.
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1Sezione di Pediatria
2Sezione di Neurologia, Arcispedale S. Anna,
Indirizzo per corrispondenza:
Key words: Solitary exostosis, Peroneal nerve,Adolescent boy
The peroneal nerve is frequently involved in cases of lesions or entrapment in the lower limb. In literature, only few cases have been reported on peroneal nerve compression by a benign bone growth, such as exostosis. We report the case of a 13 year old adolescent boy, who presented incomplete left peroneal nerve palsy with first toe extension deficit and paresthesia by exostosis arising from capitulum fibulae. Exclusive neurological symptoms are atypical for exostosis, which usually induces painless cosmetic deformity. The neurophysiological study immediately excluded demyelinating neuropathy, therefore, because of the patient’s age, we concluded for a compression-form. The imaging techniques confirmed the presence of exostosis. Therefore, the patient underwent surgical removal of the exostosis.
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