Giugno 2008 - Volume XXVII - numero 6

Medico e Bambino

Pagine elettroniche ; Ricerca

Semplificazione diagnostica della malattia

T. Not, S. Martelossi, S. Quaglia, F. Ferrara, A. Ventura

Clinica Pediatrica, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Universitŕ di Trieste

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:

SIMPLIFYING THE DIAGNOSIS OF COELIAC DISEASE; A recent experience with two different rapid tests

Key words: Coeliac disease, Rapid test,Sensitivity and specificity

The Authors evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of two commercial rapid tests for the diagnosis of coeliac disease (CD). These assays were compared to a well-established ELISA technique. Serum samples were analyzed from 114 biopsy-confirmed CD, 120 healthy controls, 20 first-degree relatives of CD, and 75 diseased controls. The whole blood samples were analyzed from 51 biopsy-confirmed coeliacs and 100 controls. The serum-based test was positive in all 114 coeliacs (sensitivity 100%). Among the controls there were seven healthy blood donors, one first-degree relative, and three affected controls who tested positive (specificity 94.9%). The rapid test was positive in 46 out of 51 (sensitivity 90.2%). All 100 controls tested negative (specificity 100%). The commercial kits described produce high values of sensitivity and specificity, offering the general practitioner a useful tool to look for anti-h-tTG antibodies in his own medical office.

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T. Not, S. Martelossi, S. Quaglia, F. Ferrara, A. Ventura
Semplificazione diagnostica della malattia
Medico e Bambino 2008;27(6):395-397

Pagine elettroniche ; Ricerca

Valore diagnostico del test rapido
anti-transglutaminasi tissutale:
l'esperienza slovena

J. Dolinšek, D. Urlep, D. Mičetić-Turk.

Gastroenterology Unit, Department of Paediatrics, University Medical Centre, Maribor, Slovenia

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:


Key words: Coeliac disease, Rapid test, Diet compliance,

The rapid test for coeliac disease (CD) has been used in the north-east region of Slovenia in the past two years. The Authors report an experience involving 200 subjects that were either suspected to have CD or known to be coeliacs. They evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of the test by comparing the results of the rapid test to EMA antibodies. Overall, 33 new celiacs have been identified, they followed 32 CD patients that came to follow up and 135 controls. The estimated sensibility of the study in diagnosing CD was 79%, the specificity 97%. The specificity increased to 91% if the result was read after 10 minutes, instead of the 5 minutes indicated by the producer. The Authors suggest that the rapid test is accurate in identifying new CD patients, but has limited usefulness in evaluating the compliance of the patient to the diet. In some cases the test should be read after 10 minutes to correctly evaluate the result.

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J. Dolinšek, D. Urlep, D. Mičetić-Turk.
Valore diagnostico del test rapido
anti-transglutaminasi tissutale:; l'esperienza slovena
Medico e Bambino 2008;27(6):395-397

Pagine elettroniche ; Ricerca

Cercare la celiachia con il test rapido:
l’esperienza serba

R. Jokić1, V.N. Perišić2, D. Zivković2 a nome del Gruppo di lavoro

1Institute of Child and Youth Health Care of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
2UDK, Belgrado, Serbia

Indirizzo per corrispondenza: jokic_rs@EUnet.yu


Key words: Coeliac disease, Rapid test, Serbian experience

Coeliac disease (CD) is a very common condition involving approximately 1% of the population. The availability of a rapid and inexpensive test for the diagnosis of CD has several possible implications. Among these, the potential use of the rapid test in a case finding setting. The Authors report the results of the first case finding study for CD that was carried out in Serbia. On the whole, 256 paediatric patients were involved. The rapid test was positive in 12% of the cases, negative in 88%. The test gave 38% of false negatives, 12.9% of false positives and 49% of real positive cases.The Authors conclude that the test is a useful tool in the diagnosis of CD and discuss possible issues.

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R. Jokić, V.N. Perišić, D. Zivković a nome del Gruppo di lavoro
Cercare la celiachia con il test rapido:
l’esperienza serba
Medico e Bambino 2008;27(6):395-397

Pagine elettroniche ; Ricerca

Cercare la celiachia con il test rapido:
l’esperienza brasiliana

S. Crovella1,2, L. Brandao3, R. Guimaraes3, J.L. de Lima Filho3,L.C. Arraes3, A. Ventura1, T. Not1

1Dipartimento di Scienze della Riproduzione e dello Sviluppo, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Universitŕ di Trieste
2Laboratorio de Imunopatologia Keizo Azami, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brasile
3Children Hospital IMIP, Recife, Brasile


Key words: Coeliac disease, Rapid test, Brasilian experience,Filariasis

Anti-tTG antibodies are highly predictive markers of active coeliac disease (CD). Because limited facilities are available for routine use of anti-tTG antibodies assays in developing countries, a simple, economical immunological test represents a great step forward in the screening of CD. The Authors determined the prevalence of coeliac disease in two different populations, one living in an urban and one living in a suburban impoverished area of Recife (Brazil), using two rapid tests based. They found out that the rapid assays were accurate in finding new coeliacs at a remarkably low cost. Presence of filariasis might interfere with the accuracy of the test.

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S. Crovella, L. Brandao, R. Guimaraes, J.L. de Lima Filho,L.C. Arraes, A. Ventura, T. Not
Cercare la celiachia con il test rapido:
l’esperienza brasiliana
Medico e Bambino 2008;27(6):395-397

Pagine elettroniche ; Caso Contributivo

Un caso di bartonellosi viscerale
in paziente immunocompetente

R. Grazioli1, R. Milani Capialbi2, F. Marchetti3, A. Bettinelli1

1Struttura Complessa di Pediatria e 2Servizio di Radiologia, Ospedale San Leopoldo Mandic, Merate (Azienda Ospedaliera di Lecco)
3Clinica Pediatrica, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:


Key words: Fever of unknown origin,Laterocervical lymph node enlargment,Hepatosplenic abscess, Systemic bartonellosis

We report a case of a 5-year-old immunocompetent boy with persistent fever and a diffuse enlargement of laterocervical lymph nodes. We performed first an abdominal ultrasonography and then a CT showed multiple hepatosplenic abscesses. Later the family referred child’s contact with young cats some months before. Significantly high levels of antibody title for Bartonella henselae confirmed the diagnosis. The boy received an antibiotic therapy with azythromicin and gentamicin because of the visceral diffusion of the disease. In typical cases there is no indication to antibiotic therapy.

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R. Grazioli, R. Milani Capialbi, F. Marchetti, A. Bettinelli
Un caso di bartonellosi viscerale; in paziente immunocompetente
Medico e Bambino 2008;27(6):395-397

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