Dicembre 2007 - Volume XXVI - numero 10
Pagine elettroniche ; Caso Contributivo
1Scuola di Specializzazione in Pediatria, Università di Ferrara
2UO di Pediatria, Ospedale Bufalini, Cesena
3Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica, AUSL Cesena
Indirizzo per corrispondenza: mpocecco@ausl-cesena.emr.it
Key words: Chikungunya, Tropical mosquito, Tiger mosquito
We report the first Italian paediatric case of Chikungunya fever observed in the province of Cesena and caused by a virus transmitted by a tropical mosquito, “tiger mosquito” which was unknown in Italy up to a few years ago.
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Pagine elettroniche ; Caso Contributivo
1UOC di Pediatria, Ambulatorio di Reumatologia Pediatrica. AORN “A. Cardarelli”, Napoli
2UOC di Radiologia Vascolare e Interventistica, UOOS RM Body, AORN “A. Cardarelli”, Napoli
Indirizzo per corrispondenza: paolo.siani@ospedalecardarelli.it
Key words: Limb pain, children, septic arthritis, pelvic pyomyositis, magnetic resonance imaging
We describe the symptoms in a girl, aged 12 years, who presented hip pain and we analyse the initial clinical picture and its worsening. It needs to be differentiated from septic arthritis, pyomyositis and transient synovitis among other disease. Septic hip should be the first diagnostic consideration in children with fever and acute hip pain. Pyomiositis should be considered if there is clinical suspicion of infection outside the hip joint. The patient represents an unusual case of pyomyositis of the psoas muscle caused by Group A beta-haemolytic streptococcus. Magnetic resonance is the preferred imaging modality for the diagnosis.
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