Settembre 2006 - Volume XXV - numero 7

Medico e Bambino

Pagine elettroniche ; Caso Contributivo

Dispnea inspiratoria in un lattante che non cresce: storia di una cisti laringea

DL. Grasso, F. Marchetti, S. Norbedo, A. Ventura, C. Furlan, J. Schleef, E. Zocconi

Key words: Congenital vallecular cyst, Case report

Congenital vallecular cysts are rare in neonates and infants. Even though benign in nature, they own a high potential morbidity and mortality. Stridor, dyspnoea, feeding difficulties, coughing, voice changes, failure to thrive are the most common symptoms. The Authors report a case of a 4 months old infant with failure to thrive and respiratory distress due to a congenital vallecular cyst. Marsupialization was performed with complete symptoms resolution.

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DL. Grasso, F. Marchetti, S. Norbedo, A. Ventura, C. Furlan, J. Schleef, E. Zocconi
Dispnea inspiratoria in un lattante che non cresce: storia di una cisti laringea
Medico e Bambino 2006;25(7):463-464

Pagine elettroniche ; Caso Contributivo

… E se il dotto arterioso pervio persiste nonostante la terapia con ibuprofene?

A. Secinaro, E. Antonielli d’Oulx, P. Manzoni, D. Farina, M.L. Leonessa, G. Gomirato

Key words: Patent ductus arteriosus, Preterm infant, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Surgical treatment

Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with significant left-to-right shunt is a major cause of increased morbidity and mortality in preterm infants. Early closure of ductus arteriosus may be pharmacologically achieved using cyclooxygenase inhibitors, or via surgery. Herein we describe an unusually complicated case of a preterm infant with PDA. The newborn was unsuccessfully treated with ibuprofen. After medical treatment failure, surgery was scheduled and the ductus was closed with no complications. In the discussion we compare the three main management options for preterm neonates with PDA: ibuprofen, indomethacin and surgical treatment.

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A. Secinaro, E. Antonielli d’Oulx, P. Manzoni, D. Farina, M.L. Leonessa, G. Gomirato
… E se il dotto arterioso pervio persiste nonostante la terapia con ibuprofene?
Medico e Bambino 2006;25(7):463-464

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