Febbraio 2006 - Volume XXV - numero 2
1Unità Operativa di Pediatria, Ospedale di Marino (Roma)
2Reparto di Pedodonzia - Ortodonzia Intercettiva, Università “La Sapienza”, Roma
Indirizzo per corrispondenza: pietro.auconi@virgilio.it
Key words: Malocclusion, Interceptive orthodontics, Index for Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN)
he knowledge of few and simple key concepts that outline the development of normal occlusion in children allow the physician to: 1) recognize malocclusion; 2) suspect over-treatment; 3) seek further advice in selected cases. The developmental nature of orthodontic pathology and its natural evolution must be taken into account when considering its long term prognosis: progression with growth or improvement and/or spontaneous resolution. The Index for Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) is a simple and useful tool that proves to be of help in everyday practice, guiding the clinician through the many disfunctional situations that prevent correct development of the stomatognatic apparatus.
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