Dicembre 2004 - Volume XXIII - numero 11
Pagine elettroniche
1Clinica Pediatrica
2UO di Emato-Oncologia
3UO di Anestesia e Rianimazione, IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Università di Trieste
Key words: Propofol, Deep sedation, Psychological impact, Leukaemia, Children, Painful procedure
Painful procedures are a major source of distress for children with leukaemia and for their parents. Procedural sedation, and possibly deep sedation, is recommended for these patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the attitudes of patients with leukaemia and of their parents towards repeated deep sedations with propofol. A questionnaire was proposed to 23 children affected by leukaemia and to their parents. Another questionnaire (n=27) was proposed to an historical group of children, who were treated for leukaemia and did not receive procedural sedation. The level of anxiety and fear in children receiving sedation was lower than in children of historical group. Sedation related distress was self-reported by 17% of children and was evident from behavioural observation in 16% of children. In these selected cases the addition of an oral premedication or behavioural approach could be considered.
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Struttura complessa di Pediatria, Ospedale dei Bambini “V. Buzzi”, Milano
Key words: Benzodiazepine, Intoxication, Diarrhoea
Sleepiness, weakness and ataxia are neurological symptoms that must be carefully evaluated in children, especially when these symptoms coexist with diarrhoea. Accurate physical examination and personal history and laboratory tests are necessary to identify potentially severe diseases such as Salmonella meningitis or drug intoxication. We report the case of a 13-month-old Egyptian child with sudden onset of neurological symptoms during an episode of diarrhoea. Only the toxicological screening performed on a urine sample allowed us to know that the child had received a very high dose of benzodiazepine to reduce the excessive crying. The neurological symptoms spontaneously resolved within 48 hours and also diarrhoea improved in a few days
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Clinica Pediatrica e *UO di Anestesia e Rianimazione, IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Università di Trieste
Key words: Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, Adverse effects, Tremors, Chorea, Pneumonia
The Authors describe a case of a child with interstitial lung disease caused by Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia who developed tremors and choreic movements after treatment with high doses of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. The patient developed immune deficiency due to prolonged immunosuppressive therapy. The tremors disappeared 3 days after the drug was discontinued. Paediatricians should be aware of the possible occurrence of tremors and choreic movements among children who are receiving high doses of TMP/SMX.
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