Febbraio 2004 - Volume XXIII - numero 2
Clinica Pediatrica, IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Università di Trieste
Key words: Tacrolimus, Atopic dermatitis, Safety, Efficacy
The safety and efficacy of tacrolimus - a macrolide with immunosuppressive properties - were proven in atopic dermatitis in several trials versus placebo and in two trials versus topical steroids. The drug, as a 0.03% ointment, has been now approved for use in children older than two years affected by eczema, while the use of the 0.1% preparation, which has an activity comparable to medium strenght steroids, has been restricted to adults. The target of tacrolimus are T lymphocites and the receptors with high affinity for IgE on the Langerhans cells. Its cost is more than ten times higher than topical steroids and its use should therefore be limited to moderate to severe eczema resistant to conventional treatment with steroids.
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