Gennaio 2004 - Volume XXIII - numero 1
Articolo speciale
Clinica Pediatrica, Azienda Ospedaliera “S. Andrea”, II Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università “La Sapienza”, Roma
Key words: Food allergy, Tropho-allergens, Pneumo-allergens, Cross-reactions, Latex
Food allergies can be divided into two groups, the first one comprising classic tropho-allergies, which appear during the first year of life or early childhood, and are accompanied by eczema, hives, enteropathy, shock; and the second one affecting older children and adults, which is associated with cross-reactions between tropho-allergens and pneumo-allergens. The latter can be attributed to a large extent to enzymes and proteins - which are not species-specific and which are stimulated by accelerated ripening and storage techniques (chitinase, “plant defence related proteins”) - that are responsible for latex allergy, oral-allergic, shock and asthma syndromes, and intestinal troubles. These allergies are not species-specific because the aforementioned enzymes and proteins are common to various plants.
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