Dicembre 2002 - Volume XXI - numero 10
Pagine elettroniche
1UO di Pediatria, Azienda USL Nord, Ospedale di Bentivoglio
2UO di Urologia, Azienda USL Nord, Ospedale di San Giovanni in Persiceto
Key words: Urinary malformations, Non-invasive treatment
Report of a case of recurrent pyelonephritis in a patient with double district and lower district hydronephrosis, non-surgically treated with dilatation and stent, maintained for 3 weeks. Stable correction results after one year.
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Pagine elettroniche
Dipartimento di Scienze Pediatriche e della Adolescenza, OIRM, Università di Torino
Key words: Gastro-oesophageal reflux, Asthma, Shock, Cow-milk intolerance
Report of a case of cow-milk intolerance in a premature new-born with bronchospasm, reflux, shock.
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