Novembre 2002 - Volume XXI - numero 9
Pagine elettroniche
1Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, Italia
2Hospital Pediatrico de Luanda, Angola;
3Direcçao Provincial de Saude, Luanda, Angola;
4IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste, Italia
Key words: Paediatric hospital care
A project aimed at improving the quality of paediatric hospital care in the Luanda Province (Angola) was carried out with the support of the Italian governmental aid agency. The first step was to assess the quality of care through a standardised tool, based on WHO guidelines for paediatric hospital care. The critical areas identified as priorities were: emergency triage, case-management of severe cases of ARI, diarrhoea and malaria, monitoring practices and access of mothers to hospital wards. The interventions included: involvement of mothers in hospital care, improved emergency triage practices, the development of case management protocols for the most severe conditions, revision of monitoring routines and availability of oxygen. The participatory nature of the assessment and the priority setting process were key factors in building awareness and commitment. Furthermore, the project raised general issues, such as availability of essential drugs, training of personnel, and the role of nurses, all of which were brought to the attention of the national authorities. A national plan of action is now underway.
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1Pediatri di libera scelta, ASL Roma;
2Neuropsichiatria infantile, Università Cattolica, Roma
Key words: ADHD, Epidemiology
Over 9 months, 3 family paediatricians identified through 6 simple screening questions and a checklist 19 children, out of 794 referred to their office, who fulfilled the ADHD criteria. Out of these children, 16 were reassessed by an infantile neuro-psychiatrist. Diagnosis was confirmed in 12 cases (10 males, 2 females). The sample prevalence was 1.7% (CI 95% = 0.85-2.35).
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UO Pediatria, *Dipartimento di Patologia Clinica, Ospedale Bentivoglio, ASL Bologna Nord
Key words: Malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, Diagnosis
Report of a malaria case (temperature, convulsions, anaemia, splenomegaly) back from a trip to Africa.
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Clinica Pediatrica, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Università di Trieste;* Pediatra di famiglia, ASL Trieste
Key words: Parvovirus B19, Arthritis
Report of 3 family cases of atypical rash with polyarthritis. The disease first appeared in a female child and then, after about a week, in her parents. Documented aetiology: Parvovirus B19.
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