Febbraio 2002 - Volume XXI - numero 2
Organizzazione sanitaria
Pediatra di famiglia, ASL NA1, Distretto 48
Key words: Breastfeeding, Family paediatrician, Counselling
Although the first few days are crucial for the establishment of exclusive breastfeeding, and many obstacles can come from inappropriate practices at maternity level, the family paediatrician has a very important role to play in helping the mother to breastfeed. Practical suggestion should be given to overcome the many problems that may arise during the first week and months after birth, such as concerns about milk production, growth, baby’s cry, mother’s diet, etc. Mothers should be seen early, soon after discharge from maternity, and they should be feel at ease and free to express all their concerns. A counselling approach is very helpful to support mothers. The need for better curricular and in-service training for the paediatricians on the physiology of breastfeeding as well as on counselling techniques is stressed.
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