Gennaio 2002 - Volume XXI - numero 1
Linee guida
1Federazione Italiana Medici Pediatri;
2Società Italiana di Pediatria
3Associazione Culturale Pediatri
Key words: Influenza, Nimesulide, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen
Guidelines for the management of influenza in children were developed by the National Institutes for Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità) together with all the major Italian paediatric societies. Rapid diagnostic tests are not recommended due to insufficient sensitivity and specificity. Etiological treatment with neuraminidase inhibitors or other antiviral agents is not recommended. Symptomatic treatment should be based on acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Antibiotics are not recommended unless fever persists for more than 7 days and signs of lower respiratory tract infection are present. Admission to hospital should be limited to cases with preexisting risk conditions, young infants with bronchiolitis, cases with respiratory distress and oxygen desaturation, or cases where home management is difficult due to social reasons.
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