Dicembre 2001 - Volume XX - numero 10
1Pediatra, Ferrara;
2Dipartimento di Salute Mentale, ASL di Cesena
Key words: Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia, Family doctor, Diagnostic criteria
The estimated prevalence in Italy of eating disorders is 0.3-0.5% for anorexia nervosa and 1-3% for bulimia. Premature death due to the complications of the disease or suicide are observed in 10% of these patients. The article offers an overview of the current knowledge on the etiology of eating disorders and in particular of anorexia nervosa. The criteria that have been proposed for diagnosis are presented and the role of the family doctor in early diagnosis is underlined.
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1UO di Pediatria, Ospedale Bufalini, Cesena;
2Dipartimento di Salute Mentale, ASL di Cesena
Key words: Eating disorders, Anorexia nervosa, Enteral nutrition, Parenteral nutrition, Multidisciplinary approach
Strategies and possible models for interdisciplinary collaboration in the case-management of anorexia nervosa are presented, based on the experience of a multidisciplinary group (paediatrician, nutritionist, psychologist). Indications for hospital care (no improvement after 12 to 16 weeks of ambulatory care), enteral and parenteral nutrition (weight loss above 25% of body weight) are given and the role of psychotherapy, drug therapy and general support is discussed.
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Servizio dietetico, Ospedale Bufalini, Cesena
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