Settembre 2001 - Volume XX - numero 7
Pagine elettroniche
1Pediatra di famiglia, ACP Trinacria di Palermo
2Psicopedagogista, Scuola Elementare “Montegrappa”, Palermo
Key words: Dyslexia, School, Family paediatrics
In a primary school the teachers identified 25 children out of 276, through a reading and writing screening test. Out of these, the educational psychologist and the paediatrician diagnosed 9 children as affected by dyslexia. Screening for dyslexia can be successfully carried out jointly by family paediatrician and school teachers.
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Ospedale “SS. Annunziata” di Napoli
Key words: Gastrointestinal symptoms, Carbonium oxide poisoning
A 7-year old child was admitted with fever, headache, diarrhea and vomiting. No other symptoms were present. Transcutaneous oxymetry and PaO2 were normal. Only the subsequent involvement of other members of the family led to the diagnosis of carbonium oxide poisoning.
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Centro di Riabilitazione dell’età evolutiva, Dipartimento Materno-Infantile, Az. USL n.4 di Matera
Key words: de la Tourette syndrome, Pimozide
An 8-year old boy had three relapses of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. The last one, previously treated with haloperidole and resistant to treatment with flufenazine, was responsive promptly to pimozide 6 mg per day.
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