Giugno 2001 - Volume XX - numero 6
Organizzazione sanitaria
Pediatri di famiglia, Studio associato di gruppo, Bergamo
Key words: Paediatric practice, Office organisation, Quality of care
In the second part of the article devoted to the steps taken in their paediatric practice to improve the quality of care, the Authors describe how informatisation has been useful in planning periodic controls for patients affected by chronic or recurrent diseases and in remainding families about the planned well-child visits and immunizations. Periodic monitoring of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures is also carried out through a series of quantitative and qualitative indicators. Evaluation of patient satisfaction was carried out twice: in 1993 (questionnaire) and in 1999 (focus group). The equipment which is currently used in the office for diagnostic self-help, as well as an evaluation of its usefulness, is also provided. Finally, the Authors describe their involvement in continuous medical education and teaching programmes.
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