Marzo 2001 - Volume XX - numero 3
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Key words: Pyelonephritis, Cystitis, Family Paediatrics
A survey proposed, over the phone, to 40 family paediatricians in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region gave the following results. In case of well-founded suspicion of cystitis, only urinalysis is taken into account and only 30% of paediatricians resort to urine culture. In case of suspected pyelonephritis (high temperature without organ symptoms), reactive strip urinalysis (“stix”) and/or microscopic and bacterioscopic examinations are made. In case of positive result (temperature + nitrites + leukocytes), diagnosis is considered certain or at least very probable. 36% of paediatricians treat this disease and follow up the patient (including radiological examinations and ultrasonography) without hospitalisation after proceeding to urine culture; the others refer children to hospitals. Urine is usually collected from a bag. 42% of paediatricians who refer children to hospitals state that they handle diagnosis and treatment together with their hospital colleagues. Many other paediatricians, however, state that patients are almost “kidnapped” by their hospital colleagues.
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UO di Otorinolaringoiatria, UO di Pediatria, Ospedale Provinciale Cardinale G. Panico, Tricase (Lecce)
Key words: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, Macroglossia, Infantile deglutition, Orthognatodontics
Description of a Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome case (annular hernia with rectal diastase; neonatal visceromegaly, then regressed; macrosomia, then regressed; macroglossia; other minor anomalies). This case is peculiar because it is relatively not serious. The patient can have an almost normal life, the most important problem to be solved, from a practical point of view, being macroglossia.
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