Gennaio 2001 - Volume XX - numero 1

Medico e Bambino

Pagine elettroniche

Il trattamento topico con corticosteroidi nei bambini con fimosi con indicazione al trattamento chirurgico è efficace, sicuro ed economico: uno studio in Pediatria ambulatoriale

F Marolla, P Nardini, C. Cives, T. Gazzotti, A. Lo Tesoriere, D Morano, A. D’Erasmo1, F. Ferro2

1Pediatri di famiglia, Roma;
2Servizio di Chirurgia, Ospedale Pediatrico “Bambino Gesù” IRCCS, Roma


Key words: Phimosis, Steroids, Circumcision, Paediatrician

Verifying the long term (six months) efficacy and the appropriateness of treating boys, to whom circumcision had been recommended, with steroid ointment. 7 primary care paediatricians referred 49 boys with suspected phimosis to surgical examination; in 45 cases the diagnosis was confirmed and circumcision was recommended. 41 families accepted the treatment with 0.05% betamethason ointment twice a day for a month. Two controls were done: at 30 and 180 days. At the end of the 30 days control, good retraction of the foreskin was present in 36 boys, with 4 recurrences at the follow-up. According to the sensitivity analysis, the success rate was 68.9%. Topical treatment with steroid ointment is safe, effective and inexpensive; it can be prescribed by the primary care paediatrician, before referral to a surgeon.

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F Marolla, P Nardini, C. Cives, T. Gazzotti, A. Lo Tesoriere, D Morano, A. D’Erasmo, F. Ferro
Il trattamento topico con corticosteroidi nei bambini con fimosi con indicazione al trattamento chirurgico è efficace, sicuro ed economico: uno studio in Pediatria ambulatoriale
Medico e Bambino 2001;20(1):53-54

Pagine elettroniche

Sonno profondo e stato confusionale da gocce nasali di nafazolina

G. Nocerino, G. Aurelio, E. Brigante, A. Riemma, R. Vitiello

Ospedale per Bambini SS. Annunziata, Napoli


Key words: Naphazoline, adverse effects; Nasal drops

Case report: a 6. 5 year - old female, after instillation of naphazoline as nasal drops, undergoes severe central nervous system depression. A sudden onset of a deep sleep as well as psycomotor disorders are a characteristic onset of the sintomatology. Nasal vasoconstrictors which contain imidazolin derivatives should be discouraged in childhood, above all in infancy.

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G. Nocerino, G. Aurelio, E. Brigante, A. Riemma, R. Vitiello
Sonno profondo e stato confusionale da gocce nasali di nafazolina
Medico e Bambino 2001;20(1):54

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