Ottobre 2000 - Volume XIX - numero 8
Aggiornamento monografico
Clinica Pediatrica, IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste
Key words: Autoimmune skin diseases, Psoriasis, Alopecia, Vitiligo, Pemphigus and pemphigoids, Duhring’s disease, Linear IgA, Discoid lupus, Chronic urticaria, Kelis, Granuloma annulare, Vasculitis, Erithema diutinum, Lichen, Morphea, 20 nail dystrophy
Autoimmune skin diseases are analytically described on the basis of the information known on their self-aggressive pathogenesis. These descriptions are followed by an explanation of the criteria used to assign the “autoimmune” label to each disease: immunofluorescence (with reference to psoriasis, alopecia, vitiligo, pemphigus and pemphigoids, Duhring’s disease, linear IgA, discoid lupus, lichen); identification of target antigen and relevant antibody (with reference to psoriasis, alopecia, vitiligo, pemphigus and pemphigoids, Duhring’s disease, chronic urticaria); association with other autoimmune diseases (with reference to psoriasis, alopecia, 20 nail dystrophy, pemphigus, Duhring’s disease, discoid lupus, lichen, chronic urticaria, kelis, granuloma annulare, vasculitis, erithema diutinum); transmission or recovery by grafting T-lymphocytes or marrow (with reference to psoriasis, alopecia, pemphigus and pemphigoids, vitiligo); mother-child transmission (gravidic pemphigoid). Next, the most effective therapeutic indications for each disease are given: local or general corticosteroids (with reference to psoriasis, alopecia, vitiligo, pemphigus and pemphigoids, discoid lupus, lichen, urticaria, kelis); ultraviolet rays (with reference to psoriasis, alopecia, vitiligo, Duhring’s disease, urticaria).
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