Maggio 2000 - Volume XIX - numero 5

Medico e Bambino

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Studio epidemiologico sullo sviluppo di carie
nei bambini delle scuole materne: una base
per l’elaborazione di un progetto di prevenzione

1Viggiano D, 2Fasano D, 3Borgherese C, 4Bianchi A, 5Strohmenger L.

1Pediatra di base, Cava de’ Tirreni;
2Odontoiatra, UO materno-infantile, Area materno-infantile, Cava de’ Tirreni;
3Coordinatore Area Materno-Infantile, ASL 1 Salerno; Direttore Sanitario, Cava de’ Tirreni (SA);
5Responsabile Centro di Collaborazione dell’OMS per l’Epidemiologia e la Prevenzione Orale, Milano

Data relative to the oral health of children attending nursery schools in the district of Cava dei Tirreni, a small town in Campania, in the province of Salerno. For the three years under examination, the DMFT values turned out to be 1.7 (children suffering from caries 35%), 1.3 (children suffering from caries 28%) and 1.5 (children suffering from caries 32%). The incidence of caries increases as children grow up and it depends upon the economic and school levels of the family. This study was aimed at devising a prevention campaign to be launched since childbirth. The program should rely on the health education of the whole population, starting from the mother at childbirth, as well as on the identification and the follow-up of children at risk (mothers with a high charge of Streptococcus mutans, socio-economic situation and poor oral hygiene of the family).

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D. Viggiano, D. Fasano, C. Borgherese, A. Bianchi, L. Strohmenger
Studio epidemiologico sullo sviluppo di carie
nei bambini delle scuole materne: una base
per l’elaborazione di un progetto di prevenzione
Medico e Bambino 2000;19(5):325-328

Pagina verde

Valutazione preliminare di un programma integrato
dietetico-psicologico finalizzato al
controllo dell’obesità in età pediatrica

Panico D., Zola MA, *Invernizzi Descalzi V.

Ospedale di Sanremo, Divisione di Pediatria, ASL1 Liguria *Psicologo presso l’Unità Operativa Consultoriale, ASL1 Liguria

Experience carried out by a paediatric-psychological workgroup and aimed at gradually containing the weight of children with BMI>85° centile, so as to keep their weight under control during the age of development, instead of provoking an absolute loss of weight. The program was based on “soft” corrective actions to improve poor nutritional habits, as well as on physical activity and stronger motivation, rather than on radical dietary restrictions. 35 children aged between 4-22 years were recruited for this experience. 18 abandoned the treatment for various causes during the first weeks, whereas 17 followed the treatment and obtained a decrease in BMI (sometimes a significant one). On the basis of this experience, this article suggests a protocol based on BMI, as well as on the presence/absence of additional risk factors. It contains information on both psychological aspects (selfesteem, intra-family dynamics) and dietary aspects (detailed and customised suggestions based on actual needs).

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D. Panico, M. Zola, V. Invernizzi Descalzi
Valutazione preliminare di un programma integrato
dietetico-psicologico finalizzato al
controllo dell’obesità in età pediatrica
Medico e Bambino 2000;19(5):325-328

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Valutazione quantitativa dell’idrocefalo
neonatale mediante tc volumetrica
con ricostruzioni tridimensionali

F. Zennaro, R. Ammar, P. Guastalla, M. Quercini

Servizio di Radiologia, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste

In low-weight new-borns with hydrocephalus, neither the pressure of liquor nor the size of intraventricular diameters provides reliable information to proceed to a precise calculation the amount of liquor to be removed in case of emergency without any danger for the patient. By using a CT GE proSpeed program together with a 3D software and by choosing proper threshold values to visualise liquor and encephalon, we obtained directly from the program the data relative to the volume of liquor and, hence, the amount of liquor to be removed. In our opinion, this sensitive and non-invasive technique is suitable to solve similar situations.

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F. Zennaro, R. Ammar, P. Guastalla, M. Quercini
Valutazione quantitativa dell’idrocefalo
neonatale mediante tc volumetrica
con ricostruzioni tridimensionali
Medico e Bambino 2000;19(5):325-328

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Polmonite ricorrente (da adenovirus?)

F. Panizon

Clinica Pediatrica, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste

A case of pneumonia: clinical and radiological picture of a bacterial form of pneumonia, characterised by persistent temperature for 5-7 days, despite an antibiotic treatment (ceftriaxone+azithromycin) against Pneumococcus and Mycoplasma. The picture reappeared 3 times at intervals of some months. At the third relapse, the pharynx swab and an antibody movement showed an Adenovirus involvement (<8° co-involvement).

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F. Panizon
Polmonite ricorrente (da adenovirus?)
Medico e Bambino 2000;19(5):325-328

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La malattia mano-vulva (masturbazione infantile)

1Cutrone M., 2Pettenà G, 1Maschio F.

1Pediatra di Famiglia, USSL 12 Venezia;
2UO di Pediatria e Patologia Neonatale, Ospedale Umberto I, Venezia

Description of a persistent lesion (erythema + excoriation) to the inguinal fold on the left minor and major lips, apparently difficult to explain, and of a callosity at the tenar eminence of the right thumb. Both phenomena were actually due to regular masturbation and the skin lesion was just a pretext to deal with this problem in a medical context.

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M. Cutrone, G. Pettenà, F. Maschio
La malattia mano-vulva (masturbazione infantile)
Medico e Bambino 2000;19(5):325-328

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