Broncopolmonite con complicanze suppurative come esordio di CGD
R.G. Rabuano, M.E. Falato, F. Sellitto
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Macroematuria associata a ipercalciuria
C. Polito, A. La Manna, E. Varricchio, R. Maiello, A. Marte
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Trattamento della vitiligine con fototerapia
Centro Fototerapia e PUVA, Ospedale Fatebenefratelli, Benevento
38 patients aged between 2 and 16 years were treated with narrow-
band UVA and UVA/UVB, or with a combination of photodynamic
therapy + cyclosporin, or with a combination of photodynamic
therapy + 8-MOP. All the patients recorded excellent results,
without any relapse or side-effect. The combination UVA/UVB turned
out to be more effective than just UVA. The combination with
cyclosporin allowed us to obtain excellent results in a shorter time
and with lower doses of UVA/UVB. The combination with 8-MOP
gave less brilliant results, although these results exceeded those obtained
with photodynamic therapy only, and were recorded in a
shorter time.