Marzo 2000 - Volume XIX - numero 3
Divisione di Pediatria, Ospedale Civile di Tolmezzo (Udine)
Key words: Prevention, Caries, Anticipatory guidance, Sealant, Fluoride, Oral hygiene
A programme for caries prevention was started 18 years ago, in Carnia (a region in north-eastern of Italy) and is still going on. The aim of the programme was to encourage parents to use preventive measures (fluoride tablets, toothbrushing, diet, sealant) for their children. During the intervention period, the percentage of “caries-free” children rose from 8 to 71% (age: six) and the DMFT fell from 4 to 2.1 (age: twelve). These results show the effectiveness of caries prevention guidelines, stress the pivotal role of the paediatrician and set the stage for future developments, such as screening of Streptococcus mutans in pregnant women.
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Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e Odontoiatria
Corso di Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria Università degli Studi di Milano
Key words: Dental caries, Dental plaque, Fluoride
Dental caries is a progressive, localized demineralization and dissolution of hard dental tissue that occurs underneath a bacterial layer (dental plaque) adherent to enamel surfaces. Acid metabolites released by plaque bacteria during fermentation of dietary carbohydrates lower the surface pH, which falls under the critical value for enamel, starting the dissolution of the tissue. In most cases, the word “dental caries” is used as a synonym of carious cavity. Nevertheless it must be noted that carious cavity does not represent the disease itself, that is primarily a microbial imbalance of dental plaque ecosystem. On this basis the paper reviews the most recent acquisition of caries prevention, particularly in the fields of oral microbiology, fluoride biochemistry and development of new restorative materials. Clinical applications and operative protocols are also discussed.
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UO di Odontostomatologia, Ospedale “San Paolo”, Milano
Key words: Fluoroprophylaxis, Caries
Systemic fluoroprophylaxis is one of the most useful methods for caries prevention. The efficiency and effectiveness of this technique is well documented: several clinical trials results are available since the 40’s (the pioneering era of the Dean studies) confirming the validity of this preventive approach. Recently its use have been questioned, and concerns were raised about the total amount of fluoride administered: as a consequence, the recommended doses for caries prevention have been modified. The most recent views about systemic fluoroprophylaxis are discussed as well as the advantages and risks of this intervention.
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