Gennaio 2000 - Volume XIX - numero 1
Clinica Pediatrica dell’Università di Trieste e IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste
1Clinica Pediatrica, Ospedale “Kantrida”, Università di Rijeka, Croazia
Key words: Coeliac disease, Autoimmunity
Six families are described where more than one component was diagnosed as coeliac. The reported cases provide strong evidence of both the genetic background and the broad clinical spectrum of gluten intolerance. Most cases did not show any gastrointestinal symptom and were diagnosed as a consequence of serological screening (EMA, htTG antibodies). Unexplained anemia, autoimmune disorders, multiple abortions were the conditions most frequently related to hidden gluten intolerance. Human tissue transglutaminase antibodies (htTG) showed an higher sensitivity in comparison to EMA in detecting familial cases of coeliac disease.
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Dipartimento di Gastroenterologia, Università “Federico II”, Napoli
Key words: Coeliac disease, Iron deficiency anemia, Osteoporosis
The clinical features of coeliac disease diagnosed in a series of 517 adult patients are described. The most frequent signs and symptoms are iron deficiency anemia, which is particularly prevalent among women, bone demineralization, diarrohea and malnutrition. Autoimmune thyroiditis (25%) and chronic arthritis (23%) were also quite frequent. Abnormal levels of aminotransferases together with ultrasound evidence of liver steatosis are also a rather frequent finding. Miscarriages are 9 times more frequent in untreated coeliac women than in the normal population. These conditions represent as a whole a major burden of disease and should be prevented or cured by an earlier diagnosis.
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Dipartimento di Pediatria e di Medicina Interna, Università “Federico II”, Napoli Istituto di Scienze dell’Alimentazione del CNR, Avellino
Key words: Coeliac disease, Gluten free pasta
The Authors evaluated the cost, nutritional properties acceptability and taste of a gluten free pasta, as compared to an ordinary pasta. The main ingredients of the gluten free pasta are: rice flour (300 g), potato starch (150 g), maize starch (150 g) and whole egg (5 g). This product is easy to prepare (1 hour) and not expensive. Its taste and nutritional properties are comparable to the best ordinary pasta. Gastric distension is reduced as well as colonic fermentation. Absorption of carbohydrates is increased by 3% and glycemic response is prompt. The same recipe can be used for pizza, bread and biscuits. Quality of basic food must not necessarily be worse for coeliac patients.
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