Aprile 2023 - Volume XLII - numero 4

Medico e Bambino

Articolo speciale

Pandemia da Covid-19: l’importanza di una memoria condivisa

Alberto Tommasini

IRCCS Materno-Infantile “Burlo Garofolo”, Università di Trieste

Indirizzo per corrispondenza: alberto.tommasini@burlo.trieste.it

The Covid-19 pandemic: the importance of a shared memory

Key words: The Covid-19 pandemic, Spanish flu, Social fracture

The Covid-19 pandemic brought back errors and difficulties that had already been experienced a century ago during the Spanish flu. Now that the pandemic phase of the infection is over, this article proposes a reflection on the years that have just passed, in the hope that the suffering, difficulties and social fracture it caused will not be forgotten and will be regarded as teachings when facing future health and social challenges.

Una riflessione di alto profilo sugli anni appena trascorsi, con la speranza che quanto successo possa esserci di insegnamento per altre sfide (anche attuali), non solo sanitarie ma anche sociali.

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