Novembre 2020 - Volume XXXIX - numero 9

Medico e Bambino

L'esperienza che insegna

Ostruzioni nasali e russamento: da tre casi insoliti una lezione per il pediatra

Riccardo Masetti, Davide Leardini, Laura Ronchini, Serena Riolo, Fiorentina Guida, Francesco Baccelli, Sara Cerasi, Teresa Papaleo, Luca Bertelli, Andrea Pession

UO di Pediatria, Policlinico Sant’Orsola-Malpighi, AOU di Bologna, Università di Bologna

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:

Nasal obstruction and snoring: three unusual cases as a lesson for the paediatrician

Key words: Nasal obstruction, Snoring, Lymphadenopathy

Nasal obstruction with or without snoring is a frequent condition and, as such, it is easily disregarded by paediatricians and by parents as well. The paper describes three “unforgettable” clinical cases that must be a warning to investigate and not to underestimate those atypical and/or characteristic aspects, such as the nasal obstruction that rapidly becomes severe. Such aspects must induce to deepen investigations to exclude much more rare pathologies that if not promptly diagnosed would have serious prognostic repercussions on the child. Surely, the first alarm signal is time (recent onset and/or snoring that rapidly becomes severe), with worsening of symptoms. Surely, lymphadenopathy is another alarm signal, especially when bilateral and large. Furthermore, the onset of epistasis associated with oral cavity bleeding must not be underestimated.

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R. Masetti, D. Leardini, L. Ronchini, S. Riolo, F. Guida, F. Baccelli, S. Cerasi, T. Papaleo, L. Bertelli, A. Pession
Ostruzioni nasali e russamento: da tre casi insoliti una lezione per il pediatra
Medico e Bambino 2020;39(9):585-589 DOI:

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