Dicembre 2012 - Volume XXXI - numero 10

Medico e Bambino

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Prevalenza dell’ADHD in una popolazione pediatrica e sua esposizione al trattamento psico–comportamentale e farmacologico

Dino Maschietto1, Elisabetta Baioni1, Claudio Vio1, Federica Novello1, Elena A.P. Germinario2, Federica M. Regini2, Pietro Panei2

1U.O.C. Neuropsichiatria Infantile AULSS 10 “Veneto Orientale” San Donà di Piave, Veneto
2Dip.to del Farmaco, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma

Indirizzo per corrispondenza: pietro.panei@iss.it

Prevalence of ADHD in the Italian paediatric population and rate of exposition to pharmacological and behavioural treatment

Key words: ADHD, Prevalence, Multimodal treatment, Register

Objective: to assess the prevalence of ADHD in the Italian paediatric population and to evaluate the rate of exposition to pharmacological treatment in children and adolescents affected by ADHD.
Method: observational post-marketing study, 4th phase. Assessment of the drugs prescribed to children and adolescents aged between 6-18 with ADHD in child psychiatry unit of San Donà di Piave.
Results: the population aged 6-18 years amount to 24,000 inhabitants. 2,503 (10.8%) were examined in 2007 for suspected developmental disorders and 286 (1.2%) were diagnosed positive for ADHD. 20 out of 286 (7.0%) patients had received the multimodal treatment and 186 the behavioural treatment alone. In 2010, the subjects suffering from ADHD were 263 (1.1 %) on a population aged 6-18 of 24,650 individuals. 44 (16.7 %) were in multimodal treatment and 153 received behavioural treatment.
Conclusions: the survey was carried out in a small population. Nevertheless this cohort is quite representative of Italian paediatric population. The observed prevalence of ADHD corresponds to that expected on the basis of the data of previous epidemiological Italian surveys but considerably lower than the one reported in international literature. The rate of exposure to pharmacological treatment is similar to that of other European countries.

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

D. Maschietto, E. Baioni, C. Vio, F. Novello, E.A.P. Germinario, F.M. Regini, P. Panei
Prevalenza dell’ADHD in una popolazione pediatrica e sua esposizione al trattamento psico–comportamentale e farmacologico
Medico e Bambino 2012;31(10):667-668 https://www.medicoebambino.com/?id=1210_667.pdf

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Quando il dolore osseo viene… dal sangue

Lorenzo Mambelli1, Lucia Marangio1, Luana Pini2, Iole Augusta Venturi2, Marina Poli3, Onofrio Donzelli4, Federico Marchetti2

1Scuola di Specializzazione in Pediatria, Ferrara; 2UOC di Pediatria e Neonatologia, Azienda Ospedaliera di Ravenna; 3Pediatria di Libera Scelta, AUSL di Ravenna; 4UO di Ortopedia e Traumatologia Pediatrica, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna

Indirizzo per corrispondenza: lorenzo.mam@libero.it

When bone pain comes from… the blood

Key words: Thalasso-drepanocytosis, Mild anaemia, Osteonecrosis, Case report

The paper describes the case of an 8-year-old Moroccan girl who presented with recurrent multi-focal bone pains associated with negative flogosis indexes and standard radiological exams. The magnetic resonance exam of her thighbones showed a multi-focal inflammation; bone biopsy showed that the inflammation was aseptic and secondary to an osteonecrosis caused by vaso-occlusive crisis. After the haemoglobin electrophoresis performed in consideration of the persistent evidence of a mild microcytic anaemia with anisocytosis, the diagnosis was of thalasso-drepanocytosis. Thalasso-drepanocytosis is one of the sickle cell syndromes characterised by heterozygosis associated with thalassemic haemoglobinopathy. It can be clinically similar to homozygote drepanocytosis and therefore it needs the same therapeutic approach and follow-up. The case highlights the importance of thinking about sickle cell crisis, also in absence of important anaemization, when foreign patients coming from world’s endemic areas for thalassemic haemoglobinopathy present with recurrent bone pains.

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

L. Mambelli, L. Marangio, L. Pini, I.A. Venturi, M. Poli, O. Donzelli, F. Marchetti
Quando il dolore osseo viene… dal sangue
Medico e Bambino 2012;31(10):667-668 https://www.medicoebambino.com/?id=1210_667.pdf

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